Lucinity API (3.3)
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Welcome to the Lucinity API!
Lucinity is an API-first SaaS solution for AML: our platform ingests your data to make integration and data publishing simple and seamless. Our modular approach separates the functionality of the user interface centered around customer use cases, but the backend APIs are unified so the system can scale with your needs.
Use this section to get familarized with the Lucinity API's syntax, payload, and data structures.
Following the steps detailed below, you'll be able to ingest data in the Lucinity platform and get started to Make Money Good.
As an AML solution intended for highly regulated financial institutions, Lucinity’s APIs rest (no pun intended) on secure access through an API key.
Lucinity Admin Portal
You can use the Administration Portal to manage your Lucinity Products. It allows you to manage API keys, system access, what behaviors are monitored, workflows, and all other configurations for the Lucinity Platform.
Lucinity API Keys
Lucinity authenticates your API requests using your account's API Keys: your API key is used to make API calls on behalf of your account, and allows you to interact with the Lucinity platform.
Get your API key
API Keys are generated via the Lucinity Platform by approved users. Please get in touch with your Customer Success Team for more information.
Treat your secret API key as, or more carefully, you would treat your password. We recommend keeping it out of any version control system you may be using. Grant access only to those who need it or secure them their own API credentials.
Lucinity stores your API keys in the Administration Portal. You can sign in to retrieve and manage your keys.
Using your API key
API keys have full access to your account and are owned by the account owner. Therefore, all actions are tied to a specific account. A single account can have multiple API keys you can share or rotate if needed.
See Authentication on how to use the API Key to authenticate your access.
To use the Transaction Monitoring and Actor Intelligence modules of Lucinity, you need to add data for the relevant customers(actors), accounts, and transactions.
The eight simple steps below walk you through the process of using the Lucinity APIs to publish data to the platform and get your instance of Transaction Monitoring or Actor Intelligence modules up and running.
You can send the data in any order. However, to make it easier and more organized for data integration projects, we have structured data ingest around Actors, Accounts and Transactions.
1. Get Your API Keys Ready
Make sure you have your API Keys ready to authenticate with the Lucinity platform.
2. Ingest Actor Data
The sidebar code snippets reflect the required data points for initializing the system, see Transaction Monitoring and Actor Intelligence for all available fields.
NOTE: There is a slight difference in the required fields between individuals and legal entities to ingest data. See the sidebar examples on how to ingest both actor types.
Transmitting Customer Data - Individual
const unirest = require("unirest");
.post("https://<your environment>/api/actors")
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
id: "ACT985002241",
asOfDate: "2019-08-24",
status: "ACTIVE",
monitored: "YES",
displayName: "Samantha Jones",
name: "Samantha Jane Jones",
dateOfBirth: "1966-01-21",
gender: "FEMALE",
addresses: [
type: "HOME",
line1: "123 Bond Street",
line2: "Mayfair",
postcode: "W1S 1EJ",
city: "London",
country: "UK",
nationality: "UK",
dataSource: "source-name"
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
Transmitting Customer Data - Legal Entity
const unirest = require("unirest");
.post("https://<your environment>/api/actors")
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
id: "ACT985002242",
asOfDate: "2019-08-24",
status: "ACTIVE",
monitored: "YES",
displayName: "Vortexecurity",
name: "Vortexecurity",
dateOfRegistration: "1991-01-09",
industry: [{
code: "561621",
type: "NAICS",
addresses: [
type: "HOME",
line1: "123 Bond Street",
line2: "Mayfair",
postcode: "W1S 1EJ",
city: "London",
country: "UK",
nationality: "UK",
dataSource: "source-name"
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
3. Ingest Account Data
The sidebar code snippet reflects the account data fields required for initializing the system. See Transaction Monitoring and Actor Intelligence for all available fields.
Transmitting Accounts Data
const unirest = require("unirest");
.send("https://<your environment>/api/accounts")
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
id: "ACC99140294",
asOfDate: "2019-08-24",
accountType: "CURRENT",
currencyCode: "GBP",
openedDate: "2019-08-24",
terminationDate: null,
accountNumber: "2340-234-234234",
status: "ACTIVE",
monitored: "YES",
dataSource: "source-name",
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
4. Ingest Actor Account Mapping
Use the provided code snippet to try it out.
Transmitting Actor-Account Mapping
const unirest = require("unirest");
.post("https://<your environment>/api/accounts/<Account ID>/actors")
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
asOfDate: "2019-08-24",
actors: [
id: "ACT985002241",
role: "OWNER",
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
5. Ingest Balance on Accounts Data
The following code snippet reflects the required account balance data fields for initializing the system, see Actor Intelligence for all available fields.
Transmitting Account Balance Data
const unirest = require("unirest");
.send("https://<your environment>/api/accounts/<Account ID>/balances")
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
asOfDate: "2019-08-24",
currency: "USD",
current: 5000,
available: 4000,
type: "CLOSING",
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
6. Ingest Transaction Data
The sidebar code snippet reflects the required transaction data fields for initializing the system, see Transaction Monitoring and Actor Intelligence for all available fields.
Transmitting Transaction Data
const unirest = require("unirest");
.post("https://<your environment>/api/v2/transactions")
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
id: "TXN949000250",
created_at: 1697470699,
direction: "OUTBOUND",
status: "COMPLETED",
description: "Transfer for bill xx",
channel: "ONLINE",
account_id: "ACC99140294",
amount: {
value: 100.15,
currency: "USD",
standardized_amount: 200.25,
account_balance: 4000.05,
account_owner_id: "ACT985002241",
method: "WIRE_TRANSFER",
purpose: "BILL_PAYMENT",
counterparty: {
object: "LEGAL_ENTITY",
id: "CPid",
name: "Vortexecurity",
account_info: {
account_number: "123-45-6789",
iban: "GB61xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
country: "GBR",
industry: {
classification_identifier: "NAICS",
code: "561621",
metadata: {
identifiable_as_actor: "true",
metadata: {
international: "false",
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
7. Actor Associates & Risk Assessment (Optional)
Use the provided code snippet to try it out.
Transmitting Actor Associates
const unirest = require("unirest");
.post("https://<your environment>/api/actors/<Actor ID>/associates")
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
asOfDate: "2019-08-24",
actorAssociates: [
id: "AA842099",
name: "Fred Patricks",
customer: false,
dataSource: "source-name",
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
Transmitting Risk Assesment
const unirest = require("unirest");
.post("https://<your environment>/api/actors/<Actor ID>/riskAssessments")
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
asOfDate: "2019-08-24",
type: "PEP",
value: "1",
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
8. Initialize Your Data Batch
The initialization method you use depends on whether you want to run Transaction Monitoring or Actor Intelligence:
for Transaction Monitoring set the
parameter to AMLfor Actor Intelligence set the
parameter to ACTOR
For more information see Initialize Batch
Use the code examples in the sidebar to get you started.
Initializing the batch for Transaction Monitoring.
const unirest = require("unirest");"https://<your environment>/api/detection/initialize");
"X-Api-Key": "<Secret API Key>",
closeOfBusinessDate: "2020-02-01",
lineOfBusiness: "INDIVIDUAL",
processType: "AML",
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
Refer to documentation for Transaction Monitoring and Actor Intelligence for information about how to use some of Lucinity’s advanced capabilities through APIs.
That’s it! Expected more steps? Sorry to disappoint.
Congratulations, you are ready to Make Money Good with Lucinity. Have fun, and don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance.
Lucinity uses API Keys to authenticate your access to the environment. Authentication is performed via HTTP(S) with an Api key schema.
The client must send the key in an x-api-key header
when making request to protected resources.
headers = { "x-api-key": "{API_KEY}" };
Core Data represents the data points you add to Lucinity from sources like your KYC pipeline, transactions, etc.
After ingested, it is then used by the Lucinity platform to calculate risk scores and other operations that gives the AML team intelligent insight into customer behavior.
Add Actor
Add actor to Lucinity.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Actor to be added to Lucinity.
asOfDate required | string <date> The date when this record became valid |
id required | string Primary identifier for the entity. If the entity type is transaction, it should be unique and consistent across entries. |
type required | object (ActorType) Enum: "INDIVIDUAL" "LEGAL_ENTITY" Set of ActorTypes for the actor |
object (AccessClassification) Deprecated Reference attribute | |
Array of objects (address) Address List | |
object (Classification) Deprecated Reference attribute | |
object (CustomData) The | |
customerSince | string <date> Date when the actor first became a customer. |
dataSource | string An identifier that represents the system from which the record is originated. |
dateOfBirth | string <date> Date of birth of the actor |
displayName | string Full name of individual or company that will be used for display |
domicile | string The 2 letter ISO 3116-1 Alpha-2 country code. |
Array of objects (emailAddress) Emails List | |
object (Employee) Deprecated Employee reference | |
firstName | string First name of actor, can be individual or full company name |
gender | string (ActorGender) Enum: "FEMALE" "MALE" "OTHER" "UNSPECIFIED" Gender reference |
Array of objects (GovernmentId) Government id list for actor | |
ingestDate | string <date-time> Date time for when the object was ingested |
isActive | boolean Deprecated Please use status and monitored. Flag for if actor is active (is actor dormant, has actor performed an activity last 60 days) |
lastName | string Last name of actor, can be individual or empty if company |
object (LegalEntity) legal entity reference | |
object (Metadata) Reference attribute | |
middleName | string Middle name of actor, can be empty if no middle name or company |
monitored | string Deprecated Enum: "NO" "YES" Is Actor monitored? Default value |
name | string Name of individual or company |
nationality | string The 2 letter ISO 3116-1 Alpha-2 country code. |
Array of objects (phone) Phone Number List | |
Array of objects (Reference) Reference attribute | |
Array of objects (Link) links to related accounts. | |
Array of objects (Link) links to external related objects for actor | |
status | string Enum: "ACTIVE" "TERMINATED" Enumerated values of the actor status. |
subType | Array of strings (ActorSubType) Items Enum: "CUSTOMER" "EMPLOYEE" "MERCHANT" "PSP" Enumerated values for Subtype of actor - customer, employee, merchant and PSP
validationStatus | string (ValidationStatus) Enum: "DUE_DILIGENCE" "MANUAL_ENTRY" "UNVALIDATED" "VALIDATED" "VENDOR_SUPPLIED_DATA" Validation status for actor data |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "LUCINITY_ACTOR_ID_0002221233984",
- "dataSource": "Lucinity",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "LUCINITY_INTERNAL_ID_123047124890",
- "systemName": "LucinityInternalService"
], - "metadata": {
- "someProperty": "SomeValue"
}, - "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "subType": [
], - "gender": "FEMALE",
- "name": "Wendy Byrde",
- "displayName": "Wendy Byrde",
- "firstName": "Wendy",
- "middleName": null,
- "lastName": "Byrde",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "monitored": "YES",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "type": "HOME",
- "line1": "6818 Gaines Ferry Rd",
- "line2": "",
- "postcode": "94109",
- "city": "Flowery Branch",
- "state": "GA",
- "country": "USA"
], - "phones": [
- {
- "type": "HOME",
- "number": "6135854487"
], - "nationality": "US",
- "domicile": "US",
- "taxResidency": "US",
- "asOfDate": "2023-01-01",
- "govermentIds": [
- {
- "id": "9423480129034",
- "type": "SSN",
- "issuingAuthority": "US",
- "expirationDate": null
], - "validationStatus": "VALIDATED",
- "customData": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
- 500
{- "id": "LUCINITY_ACTOR_ID_0002221233984",
- "dataSource": "Lucinity",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "LUCINITY_INTERNAL_ID_123047124890",
- "systemName": "LucinityInternalService"
], - "metadata": {
- "someProperty": "SomeValue"
}, - "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "subType": [
], - "gender": "FEMALE",
- "name": "Wendy Byrde",
- "displayName": "Wendy Byrde",
- "firstName": "Wendy",
- "middleName": null,
- "lastName": "Byrde",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "monitored": "YES",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "type": "HOME",
- "line1": "6818 Gaines Ferry Rd",
- "line2": "",
- "postcode": "94109",
- "city": "Flowery Branch",
- "state": "GA",
- "country": "USA"
], - "phones": [
- {
- "type": "HOME",
- "number": "6135854487"
], - "nationality": "US",
- "domicile": "US",
- "taxResidency": "US",
- "asOfDate": "2023-01-01",
- "govermentIds": [
- {
- "id": "9423480129034",
- "type": "SSN",
- "issuingAuthority": "US",
- "expirationDate": null
], - "validationStatus": "VALIDATED",
- "customData": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
Get Actor
Retrieves a single actor by identifier.
path Parameters
id required | string Actor ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "LUCINITY_ACTOR_ID_0002221233984",
- "dataSource": "Lucinity",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "LUCINITY_INTERNAL_ID_123047124890",
- "systemName": "LucinityInternalService"
], - "metadata": {
- "someProperty": "SomeValue"
}, - "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "subType": [
], - "gender": "FEMALE",
- "name": "Wendy Byrde",
- "displayName": "Wendy Byrde",
- "firstName": "Wendy",
- "middleName": null,
- "lastName": "Byrde",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "monitored": "YES",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "type": "HOME",
- "line1": "6818 Gaines Ferry Rd",
- "line2": "",
- "postcode": "94109",
- "city": "Flowery Branch",
- "state": "GA",
- "country": "USA"
], - "phones": [
- {
- "type": "HOME",
- "number": "6135854487"
], - "nationality": "US",
- "domicile": "US",
- "taxResidency": "US",
- "asOfDate": "2023-01-01",
- "govermentIds": [
- {
- "id": "9423480129034",
- "type": "SSN",
- "issuingAuthority": "US",
- "expirationDate": null
], - "validationStatus": "VALIDATED",
- "customData": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
Add Actor Associates
Add associates to actors by ID.
path Parameters
id required | string Actor ID |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Associates to be tagged to an actor.
Array of objects (ActorAssociate) Actor associate name, example would be a full name of individual or representative | |
asOfDate | string <date> The date when this record became valid. Defaults to today if not provided. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "actorAssociates": [
- {
- "id": "LUCINITY_ACTOR_ID_89012730812411",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "LUCINITY_INTERNAL_ID_88614467199170002",
- "systemName": "LucinityInternalService"
], - "dataSource": "Lucinity Actor Database",
- "name": "Jonathan Hawker",
- "type": "Parent",
- "isCustomer": true
], - "asOfDate": "2023-04-22"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
- 500
{- "actorAssociates": [
- {
- "id": "LUCINITY_ACTOR_ID_89012730812411",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "LUCINITY_INTERNAL_ID_88614467199170002",
- "systemName": "LucinityInternalService"
], - "dataSource": "Lucinity Actor Database",
- "name": "Jonathan Hawker",
- "type": "Parent",
- "isCustomer": true
], - "asOfDate": "2023-04-22"
Add Actor Exclusion
Add actor exclusion.
path Parameters
id required | string Actor ID |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Exclusion to be added for an actor.
exclusion_type required | string Enum: "MONITORED" "NOT_MONITORED" "SUPPRESSED" The type of exclusion.
stored_at | string <date-time> The datetime when the exclusion was stored defaults to current time. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "exclusion_type": "MONITORED",
- "stored_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
Add Actor RiskAssessment
Add actor risk assessment.
path Parameters
id required | string Actor ID |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Risk Assessment to be added for an actor.
asOfDate required | string <date> Date when record came valid |
type required | string Enum: "ADVERSE_MEDIA" "INTERNAL" "INTP" "PEP" "PP" "SANCTIONS" "SAR" Used to specify Risk Assessment type. The type can be any string, depending on organizational guidelines, except for the following which are reserved for specific Risk Assessments:
value required | string Value of risk assessment |
comment | string reason for risk or related commment |
Request samples
- Payload
[- {
- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24",
- "type": "ADVERSE_MEDIA",
- "value": "string",
- "comment": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
[- {
- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24",
- "type": "ADVERSE_MEDIA",
- "value": "string",
- "comment": "string"
Add Actor Extended Info
Add actor extended information.
path Parameters
id required | string Actor ID |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Summary information on balances, number of products the actor has with the institution and dates when products were acquired
asOfDate | string <date> The date when this record became valid. Defaults to today if not provided. |
depositsAvailableBalanceLcy | number Total balance of deposits |
depositsFixedTermBalanceLcy | number The total position of fixed deposits |
depositsTotalBalanceLcy | number Total balance of deposits |
derivativesBalanceLcy | number Total balance for derivatives |
firstProductDate | string <date> The first known product that a customer had |
lastProductDate | string <date> Last known product by a customer |
loansBalanceLcy | number Total balance of loans |
loansCreditLimitLcy | number Total credit limit for loans |
loansOverdraftLcy | number Overdraft total balance, converted to LCY |
loansPrincipalLcy | number Loan total original value, converted to LCY |
numberOfBankAccounts | number Number of bank accounts the customer has |
numberOfCreditCards | number Number of credit cards the customer has |
numberOfDepositAccounts | number Number of deposit accounts the customer has |
numberOfDerivativesPortfolios | number Derivatives number of portfolios |
numberOfLoans | number Number of loans the customer has |
numberOfSecuritiesPortfolios | number Securities number of portfolios |
securitiesBalanceLcy | number Total balance for securities |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "depositsTotalBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "depositsFixedTermBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "depositsAvailableBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "loansBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "loansPrincipalLcy": 100000,
- "loansOverdraftLcy": 100000,
- "loansCreditLimitLcy": 100000,
- "securitiesBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "derivativesBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "numberOfBankAccounts": 100000,
- "numberOfDepositAccounts": 100000,
- "numberOfCreditCards": 100000,
- "numberOfLoans": 100000,
- "numberOfSecuritiesPortfolios": 100000,
- "numberOfDerivativesPortfolios": 100000,
- "firstProductDate": "2019-08-24",
- "lastProductDate": "2019-08-24",
- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
- 500
{- "depositsTotalBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "depositsFixedTermBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "depositsAvailableBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "loansBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "loansPrincipalLcy": 100000,
- "loansOverdraftLcy": 100000,
- "loansCreditLimitLcy": 100000,
- "securitiesBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "derivativesBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "numberOfBankAccounts": 100000,
- "numberOfDepositAccounts": 100000,
- "numberOfCreditCards": 100000,
- "numberOfLoans": 100000,
- "numberOfSecuritiesPortfolios": 100000,
- "numberOfDerivativesPortfolios": 100000,
- "firstProductDate": "2019-08-24",
- "lastProductDate": "2019-08-24",
- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24",
- "actorId": "string"
Get Actor Extended Info
Get actor extended information.
path Parameters
id required | string Actor ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
- 500
{- "depositsTotalBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "depositsFixedTermBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "depositsAvailableBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "loansBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "loansPrincipalLcy": 100000,
- "loansOverdraftLcy": 100000,
- "loansCreditLimitLcy": 100000,
- "securitiesBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "derivativesBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "numberOfBankAccounts": 100000,
- "numberOfDepositAccounts": 100000,
- "numberOfCreditCards": 100000,
- "numberOfLoans": 100000,
- "numberOfSecuritiesPortfolios": 100000,
- "numberOfDerivativesPortfolios": 100000,
- "firstProductDate": "2019-08-24",
- "lastProductDate": "2019-08-24",
- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24",
- "actorId": "string"
Add Account
Add single account to Lucinity. The same API can be used to update accounts as well. The 'ID' property derived from BaseEntity usually maps to the uniquely identifiable record. Lucinity ingests input and emits the same account object for reference.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Account JSON passed in request body.
accountType required | string (AccountType) Enum: "BOTH_HIC_AND_COD" "CASH_ON_DELIVERY" "CREDIT_CARD" "CURRENT" "HELD_IN_CUSTODY" "LOAN" "MONEY_MARKET" "SAVINGS" "TERM_DEPOSIT" "TRADING" Enumeration values for the type of account. |
asOfDate required | string <date> The date when this record became valid |
id required | string Primary identifier for the entity. If the entity type is transaction, it should be unique and consistent across entries. |
object (AccessClassification) Deprecated Reference attribute | |
accountAgreementId | string Deprecated Agreement ID of the account. |
accountInDefault | boolean Indicates that account is in default or overdraft |
accountInDefaultDays | integer Number of days account has been in default or overdraft |
accountNumber | string The account number |
object (AccountBalance) Account Balance reference | |
bankCode | string Bank code used for the Account |
beneficiaryOwnerId | string Deprecated The id of the beneficiary owner for the account. |
object (TradingAccount) Trading Account reference | |
object (Classification) Deprecated Reference attribute | |
closingBalance | number Balance of account when account was closed |
collateral | boolean Indicates that account is held as collateral |
object (CreditFacility) Credit Facility reference | |
currencyCode | string ISO currency of the account |
object (CustomData) The | |
dataSource | string An identifier that represents the system from which the record is originated. |
depositable | boolean Indicates that account is depositable |
domicile | string The 2 letter ISO 3116-1 Alpha-2 country code. |
iban | string The IBAN of the account |
ingestDate | string <date-time> Date time for when the object was ingested |
Array of objects (Interest) Interest reference | |
internal | boolean Indicates that account is owned by the bank |
object (LoanFacility) Loan facility reference | |
object (Metadata) Reference attribute | |
monitored | string Deprecated Enum: "NO" "YES" Is the Account monitored? EXPERIMENTAL: This field does not have any affect on Lucinity's Behavioral Monitoring or Rule Engine. |
name | string The name of the account. |
openedDate | string <date> Date of when account was opened |
primaryRepresentativeId | string Deprecated The id of the primary representative for the account. |
productId | string Product ID of the account, used for internal reference for products such as loans or other services. Used to link products in the UI. |
productType | string Account Base Product, used for internal reference for products such as loans, etc. Used to display the information in the UI. |
Array of objects (Reference) Reference attribute | |
status | string Enum: "ACTIVE" "CLOSED" "NO_TRADING" "TERMINATED" Status of the account |
subType | string Enum: "BUSINESS" "PERSONAL" Subtype of the account |
object (TermDepositFacility) Term Deposit reference | |
terminated | boolean Indicates that account has been terminated |
terminationDate | string <date> Date of when account was terminated |
withdrawable | boolean Indicates that account is withdrawable |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "568975e1-d16b-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "dataSource": "SWAGGER_API",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "7777771-555-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "systemName": "SystemName"
], - "ingestDate": "2020-05-03T14:03:41.089Z",
- "classification": {
- "domain": [
- "string"
], - "region": [
- "string"
], - "country": [
- "string"
], - "group": [
- "string"
], - "department": [
- "string"
], - "business": [
- "string"
], - "city": [
- "string"
}, - "accessClassification": {
- "domain": [
- "string"
], - "region": [
- "string"
], - "country": [
- "string"
], - "group": [
- "string"
], - "department": [
- "string"
], - "elevatedPrivilege": [
- "string"
], - "city": [
- "string"
}, - "accountType": "BOTH_HIC_AND_COD",
- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24",
- "name": "Mez's account",
- "metadata": {
- "someProperty": "some value"
}, - "subType": "BUSINESS",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "monitored": "NO",
- "accountNumber": "string",
- "iban": "string",
- "productType": "string",
- "currencyCode": "string",
- "domicile": "string",
- "openedDate": "2019-08-24",
- "terminationDate": "2019-08-24",
- "closingBalance": 9865,
- "bankCode": "string",
- "productId": "string",
- "internal": true,
- "depositable": true,
- "withdrawable": true,
- "collateral": true,
- "terminated": true,
- "accountInDefault": true,
- "accountInDefaultDays": 0,
- "interest": [
- {
- "interestType": "DEPOSIT",
- "interestCode": "string",
- "interestForm": "FIXED",
- "interestRate": 100000
], - "balance": {
- "depositBalance": 100000,
- "depositBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "depositDisposableBalance": 100000,
- "depositDisposableBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "loanBalance": 100000,
- "loanBalanceLcy": 100000
}, - "termDeposit": {
- "termDepositType": "DATE",
- "termDepositPeriod": 0,
- "termDepositWithdrawalNotice": true,
- "termDepositWithdrawalDate": "2019-08-24"
}, - "credit": {
- "creditType": "CREDIT_CARD",
- "creditLimit": 100000,
- "creditLimitLcy": 100000,
- "creditUnused": 100000,
- "creditUnusedLcy": 100000,
- "creditIssueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "creditFinalDate": "2019-08-24",
- "creditCardNumberMasked": "string"
}, - "loan": {
- "loanType": "AUTO",
- "loanPrincipal": 1000000,
- "loanPrincipalLcy": 100000,
- "loanInstallment": 100000,
- "loanSecured": true,
- "loanPeriodRemaining": 0,
- "loanIssueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "loanFinalDate": "2019-08-24"
}, - "brokerage": {
- "regulatoryExemptionType": "string",
- "settlementInstruction": "string",
- "isGiveIn": true,
- "isGiveUp": true,
- "isWhiteLabel": true,
- "isDmaBroker": true,
- "isCareBroker": true,
- "locateByPass": true,
- "shortName": "string",
- "primaryDesk": "string",
- "aggUnit": "string",
- "isFiduciary": true,
- "isErisa": "NO",
- "is1940ActAccount": "NO",
- "tradingDesk": "string",
- "brokerName": "string",
- "brokerId": "string",
- "brokerLocation": "string",
- "region": "LN, HK"
}, - "accountAgreementId": "string",
- "primaryRepresentativeId": "string",
- "beneficiaryOwnerId": "string",
- "customData": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "id": "568975e1-d16b-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "dataSource": "SWAGGER_API",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "7777771-555-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "systemName": "SystemName"
], - "ingestDate": "2020-05-03T14:03:41.089Z",
- "classification": {
- "domain": [
- "string"
], - "region": [
- "string"
], - "country": [
- "string"
], - "group": [
- "string"
], - "department": [
- "string"
], - "business": [
- "string"
], - "city": [
- "string"
}, - "accessClassification": {
- "domain": [
- "string"
], - "region": [
- "string"
], - "country": [
- "string"
], - "group": [
- "string"
], - "department": [
- "string"
], - "elevatedPrivilege": [
- "string"
], - "city": [
- "string"
}, - "accountType": "BOTH_HIC_AND_COD",
- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24",
- "name": "Mez's account",
- "metadata": {
- "someProperty": "some value"
}, - "subType": "BUSINESS",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "monitored": "NO",
- "accountNumber": "string",
- "iban": "string",
- "productType": "string",
- "currencyCode": "string",
- "domicile": "string",
- "openedDate": "2019-08-24",
- "terminationDate": "2019-08-24",
- "closingBalance": 9865,
- "bankCode": "string",
- "productId": "string",
- "internal": true,
- "depositable": true,
- "withdrawable": true,
- "collateral": true,
- "terminated": true,
- "accountInDefault": true,
- "accountInDefaultDays": 0,
- "interest": [
- {
- "interestType": "DEPOSIT",
- "interestCode": "string",
- "interestForm": "FIXED",
- "interestRate": 100000
], - "balance": {
- "depositBalance": 100000,
- "depositBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "depositDisposableBalance": 100000,
- "depositDisposableBalanceLcy": 100000,
- "loanBalance": 100000,
- "loanBalanceLcy": 100000
}, - "termDeposit": {
- "termDepositType": "DATE",
- "termDepositPeriod": 0,
- "termDepositWithdrawalNotice": true,
- "termDepositWithdrawalDate": "2019-08-24"
}, - "credit": {
- "creditType": "CREDIT_CARD",
- "creditLimit": 100000,
- "creditLimitLcy": 100000,
- "creditUnused": 100000,
- "creditUnusedLcy": 100000,
- "creditIssueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "creditFinalDate": "2019-08-24",
- "creditCardNumberMasked": "string"
}, - "loan": {
- "loanType": "AUTO",
- "loanPrincipal": 1000000,
- "loanPrincipalLcy": 100000,
- "loanInstallment": 100000,
- "loanSecured": true,
- "loanPeriodRemaining": 0,
- "loanIssueDate": "2019-08-24",
- "loanFinalDate": "2019-08-24"
}, - "brokerage": {
- "regulatoryExemptionType": "string",
- "settlementInstruction": "string",
- "isGiveIn": true,
- "isGiveUp": true,
- "isWhiteLabel": true,
- "isDmaBroker": true,
- "isCareBroker": true,
- "locateByPass": true,
- "shortName": "string",
- "primaryDesk": "string",
- "aggUnit": "string",
- "isFiduciary": true,
- "isErisa": "NO",
- "is1940ActAccount": "NO",
- "tradingDesk": "string",
- "brokerName": "string",
- "brokerId": "string",
- "brokerLocation": "string",
- "region": "LN, HK"
}, - "accountAgreementId": "string",
- "primaryRepresentativeId": "string",
- "beneficiaryOwnerId": "string",
- "customData": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
Add Account Balance
Add balance for an account.
path Parameters
id required | string The account id. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
A balance for the account
currency required | string/[A-Z]{3}/ ISO currency of the balance |
current required | number The balance on the account at the end of day |
asOfDate | string <date> The date when this record became valid |
available | number The available balance on the account at the end of day |
type | string (BalanceType) Value: "CLOSING" The type of balance, e.g. CLOSING indicating EOD balance |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24",
- "currency": "USD",
- "current": 5000,
- "available": 4000,
- "type": "CLOSING"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
- 500
{- "accountId": "ACC0001",
- "internalId": "a083f3a8-f055-4252-a22d-ed476ca082ed",
- "ingestDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "asOfDate": "2019-08-24",
- "currency": "USD",
- "current": 5000,
- "available": 4000,
- "type": "CLOSING"
Add Actor to Account
Add actor/actors to account by ID. This provides association between the two entities.
path Parameters
id required | string The account id to add the actors. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Actor (single or multiple) object that needs to be associated to the account
required | Array of objects List of the actors associated with account and their role |
asOfDate | string <date> The date when this record became valid. Defaults to today if not provided. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "actors": [
- {
- "id": "ACT00001",
- "role": "OWNER"
], - "asOfDate": "2024-01-01"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
- 500
{- "actors": [
- {
- "id": "ACT00001",
- "role": "OWNER"
], - "asOfDate": "2024-01-01"
Add Transaction
Note: Transaction screening is a feature that is configured by Lucinity, and may not be configured for your environment. Please contact Lucinity support for more information.
query Parameters
blocking | string If the screening process is synchronous or asynchronous,
currently |
operations | string Comma-separated list of what kind of screening the transaction should return.
Supported values FRAUD and SANCTIONS. example: |
header Parameters
idempotency-key | string Example: 96760494-8c70-4279-a7c3-0d11e3c9aa6c Unique value generated by the client which the resource server uses to recognize subsequent retries of the same request |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
account_id required | string Primary identifier of the account. |
account_owner_id required | string An actor ID that identifies the primary owner of the account. Transaction Monitoring: The actor the ID belongs to is the one monitored for this transaction. The monitoring is not bi-directional in case of both the account_owner and the counterparty being customers. In such cases, another transaction is required to be sent with another account_owner_id and direction. |
required | object (Amount) Amount and currency code of the transaction that occurred. |
required | any Enum: "EMPTY" "INDIVIDUAL" "ACCOUNT_INFO" "LEGAL_ENTITY" "NAMED_ENTITY" Counterparty represents the creditor or debtor involved in the transaction and can be one of the following:
created_at required | number The timestamp of when the transaction occurred. Measured in seconds in unix epoch timestamp. |
direction required | string Enum: "INBOUND" "OUTBOUND" The direction of a transaction is |
id required | string Primary identifier for the transaction. |
standardized_amount required | number Value of the transaction in the default currency configured in the Lucinity platform. |
status required | string Enum: "CANCELLED" "COMPLETED" "FAILED" "PENDING" Status or condition of the transaction. Only
account_balance | number The current, settled balance of the account in the currency of the account. |
channel | string Enum: "ATM" "BRANCH" "ONLINE" "POS" "UNKNOWN" The type of channel that was used to initiate the transaction. If this property is not provided it will default to
channel_location_id | string The unique identifier for the channel location associated with the transaction. Has to match a location code ingested through /channel_locations. |
object (schemas-CustomData) The | |
description | string Description of the transaction |
object (Device) Device section contains information on the device which the transaction was performed on. | |
object (schemas-Metadata) Metadata describing the object. This field is not intended to add additional information to the object, rather add information about the object's attributes. Reserved Metadata Keywords:
| |
method | string Enum: "CARD" "CASH" "CHECK" "VIRTUAL" "WIRE_TRANSFER" Method of the transaction
Either |
user_id | string User id of the entity performing the transaction. |
user_name | string User name of the entity performing the transaction. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1b9c926d-52d1-4c2f-bc1d-8a1d8f9d5e89",
- "created_at": 1654236000,
- "direction": "OUTBOUND",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "description": "Payment for goods",
- "channel": "ONLINE",
- "channel_location_id": "3121f4a3-e89b-12d3-a456-426618394724",
- "account_id": "5f1bcb7e-7e39-42e0-9d4c-d10be236cd28",
- "amount": {
- "value": 100.15,
- "currency": "USD"
}, - "standardized_amount": 200.25,
- "account_balance": 500.25,
- "account_owner_id": "1deb5316-cd35-4fe9-bce9-08a8bd3933b1",
- "method": "CARD",
- "purpose": "BILL_PAYMENT",
- "metadata": {
- "international": "true",
- "exclude_from_monitoring": "true"
}, - "custom_data": {
- "custom_field": "custom_value"
}, - "device": {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "ip_address": "2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334"
}, - "counterparty": {
- "object": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "id": "fa9e7f3c-9b62-45c2-bb64-9a8e06e366be",
- "name": "John Doe",
- "birth_date": "1985-10-15",
- "postal_addresses": [
- {
- "lines": [
- "123 Main Street"
], - "postal_code": "12345",
- "city": "Cityville",
- "state": "Stateville",
- "country": "USA",
- "location": "HOME"
], - "account_info": {
- "bank_name": "Bank of America",
- "bic": "BOFAUS3N",
- "bank_code": "123456",
- "account_number": "1234567890",
- "iban": "US1234567890"
}, - "industry": {
- "classification_identifier": "MCC",
- "code": "1234"
}, - "metadata": {
- "identifiable_as_actor": "false"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "transaction_id": "1b9c926d-52d1-4c2f-bc1d-8a1d8f9d5e89",
- "request_id": "ccb3f54c-4aa2-47cf-8a0b-c1b34a43a520",
- "screening_results": [
- {
- "provider_name": "SEON",
- "response": "MISS"
}, - {
- "provider_name": "NETERIUM",
- "response": "MISS"
Get Transaction
Retrieves a single transaction by identifier.
path Parameters
id required | string The identifier for the transaction. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "id": "1b9c926d-52d1-4c2f-bc1d-8a1d8f9d5e89",
- "created_at": 1654236000,
- "direction": "OUTBOUND",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "description": "Payment for goods",
- "channel": "ONLINE",
- "channel_location_id": "3121f4a3-e89b-12d3-a456-426618394724",
- "account_id": "5f1bcb7e-7e39-42e0-9d4c-d10be236cd28",
- "amount": {
- "value": 100.15,
- "currency": "USD"
}, - "standardized_amount": 200.25,
- "account_balance": 500.25,
- "account_owner_id": "1deb5316-cd35-4fe9-bce9-08a8bd3933b1",
- "method": "CARD",
- "purpose": "BILL_PAYMENT",
- "metadata": {
- "international": "true",
- "exclude_from_monitoring": "true"
}, - "custom_data": {
- "custom_field": "custom_value"
}, - "device": {
- "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
- "ip_address": "2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334"
}, - "counterparty": {
- "object": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "id": "fa9e7f3c-9b62-45c2-bb64-9a8e06e366be",
- "name": "John Doe",
- "birth_date": "1985-10-15",
- "postal_addresses": [
- {
- "lines": [
- "123 Main Street"
], - "postal_code": "12345",
- "city": "Cityville",
- "state": "Stateville",
- "country": "USA",
- "location": "HOME"
], - "account_info": {
- "bank_name": "Bank of America",
- "bic": "BOFAUS3N",
- "bank_code": "123456",
- "account_number": "1234567890",
- "iban": "US1234567890"
}, - "industry": {
- "classification_identifier": "MCC",
- "code": "1234"
}, - "metadata": {
- "identifiable_as_actor": "false"
Create Channel Location
Allows customers to add new locations to the platform. This method is used to populate the location information that will later be referenced in transactions.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | object |
id required | string Unique identifier for the channel location. |
type required | string Enum: "ATM" "BRANCH" "OTHER" Defines the type of the location. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "location-123",
- "type": "ATM",
- "address": {
- "street": [
- "123 Main St",
- "Suite 200"
], - "city": "Springfield",
- "state": "IL",
- "postal_code": "62701",
- "country": "USA"
Response samples
- 200
{ }
Get All Channel Locations
Retrieves a list of all channel locations in the platform, with optional parameters for pagination, filtering, and sorting.
query Parameters
filter_type | string Enum: "ATM" "BRANCH" "OTHER" Filters the list by location type. |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 1000 ] Default: 200 The maximum number of items to return in this query. |
offset | integer Default: 0 The zero-based offset index in the result set. For example, an offset of |
sort_by | string Sorts the results by a specified field (e.g., |
Response samples
- 200
{- "locations": [
- {
- "id": "location-123",
- "type": "ATM",
- "address": {
- "street": [
- "123 Main St",
- "Suite 200"
], - "city": "Springfield",
- "state": "IL",
- "postal_code": "62701",
- "country": "USA"
}, - {
- "id": "location-124",
- "type": "BRANCH",
- "address": {
- "street": [
- "321 Main St",
- "Suite 400"
], - "city": "Springfield",
- "state": "IL",
- "postal_code": "62701",
- "country": "USA"
Add Observation
Add observation To Lucinity. Observations are vital information to deduce signals.
query Parameters
create_case | string Deprecated Optional parameter, if create_case=true is set, then attempt will be made to create cases using the provided observations. This may result in a different response structure, particularly if a case is successfully created. Currently this option is available for all observation types except ALERT_AML. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The observation object to be sent to Lucinity.
behaviorId required | string Risk / Concern ID with the observation |
behaviorName required | string Risk / Concern Description |
date required | number Timestamp at which the transaction took place. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
id required | string Primary identifier for the observation. It should be unique and consistent across entries. |
type required | string Value: "ALERT_AML" The type of the observation (alert) which controls what kind of data can be associated with the observation. |
object (AccessClassification) Deprecated Reference attribute | |
associatedLegalEntity | Array of arrays |
batchId | string The batchId on the surveillance platform which detected the observation |
behaviorDescription | string Behavior description |
btlFlag | boolean (Below The Line) True or false, depending on the threshold setting of the surveillance system on the observation. Eg. If there is confidence threshold that is associated with a surveillance as 80% and exception confidence is 78%, but still gets raised as an exception, BTL would be true. If above cutoff, BTL is false. |
businessDate | string <date> Date when activity/activities occured |
businessDateEnd | string <date-time> Timestamp for the end of the the surveillance period |
businessDateStart | string <date-time> Timestamp for the start of the the surveillance period |
object (Classification) Deprecated Reference attribute | |
object (CustomData) The | |
dataSource | string An identifier that represents the system from which the record is originated. |
decisionTree | Array of strings Brief summary of surveillance logic that triggered an exception |
detectionDate | string <date-time> Timestamp for when the exception was discovered by the publishing system |
label | string Observation label |
object (Metadata) Placeholder object that can carry additional information that are not part of the original schema. | |
priority | string This property is important for real-time detection where a transaction might raise an observation that needs to be reviewed quickly because if the observation is a false positive, the backend systems would want to process the transaction as soon as possible. |
programGroup | string |
rank | number Risk Ranking of this observation in a homogenous group of such observations. |
Array of objects (Reference) Reference attribute | |
rule | Array of strings A list of rules triggering the observation. |
score | number [ 0 .. 1 ] The confidence of the detection system on a scale of 0 to 1. 0 or 1 for rules-based systems. |
object (Submitter) Defines submitter of the case observation. EXPERIMENTAL, not linked to a system id or username. | |
taxonomyDescription | string Higher level of Risk / Concern. Control to which the risk is mapped |
version | string Optional version for the model, function or rule that was in effect when the Observation was created. Having this version can help explain why this Observation was raised. It can be a number, an arbitray string or an record identifier for specific revision. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "type": "ALERT_AML",
- "submitter": {
- "id": "string",
- "displayName": "string",
- "username": "string"
}, - "id": "568975e1-d16b-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "dataSource": "SWAGGER_API",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "7777771-555-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "systemName": "SystemName"
], - "metadata": {
- "someProperty": "some value"
}, - "classification": {
- "domain": [
- "string"
], - "region": [
- "string"
], - "country": [
- "string"
], - "group": [
- "string"
], - "department": [
- "string"
], - "business": [
- "string"
], - "city": [
- "string"
}, - "accessClassification": {
- "domain": [
- "string"
], - "region": [
- "string"
], - "country": [
- "string"
], - "group": [
- "string"
], - "department": [
- "string"
], - "elevatedPrivilege": [
- "string"
], - "city": [
- "string"
}, - "date": 1654236000,
- "batchId": "string",
- "behaviorId": "string",
- "behaviorName": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "behaviorDescription": "string",
- "taxonomyDescription": "string",
- "priority": "string",
- "btlFlag": false,
- "score": 0.88,
- "rank": 100000,
- "rule": [
- "string"
], - "decisionTree": [
- "string"
], - "businessDateEnd": "2020-05-03T14:03:41.089Z",
- "businessDateStart": "2020-05-03T14:03:41.089Z",
- "detectionDate": "2020-05-03T14:03:41.089Z",
- "businessDate": "2020-05-03",
- "label": "string",
- "associatedLegalEntity": [ ],
- "programGroup": "string",
- "customData": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
- 500
{- "caseIds": [
- "CLC2024030400001378"
], - "observationFailedFinalization": [
- {
- "observationId": "string",
- "missingReferences": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "type": "string"
Get Observation
Retrieves a single observation by identifier.
path Parameters
id required | string The observation ID. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
- 500
{- "type": "ALERT_RULE",
- "title": "string",
- "transactionIds": [
- "string"
], - "score": "string",
- "id": "568975e1-d16b-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "dataSource": "SWAGGER_API",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "7777771-555-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "systemName": "SystemName"
], - "metadata": {
- "someProperty": "some value"
}, - "classification": {
- "domain": [
- "string"
], - "region": [
- "string"
], - "country": [
- "string"
], - "group": [
- "string"
], - "department": [
- "string"
], - "business": [
- "string"
], - "city": [
- "string"
}, - "accessClassification": {
- "domain": [
- "string"
], - "region": [
- "string"
], - "country": [
- "string"
], - "group": [
- "string"
], - "department": [
- "string"
], - "elevatedPrivilege": [
- "string"
], - "city": [
- "string"
}, - "date": 1654236000,
- "batchId": "string",
- "behaviorId": "string",
- "behaviorName": "string",
- "behaviorDescription": "string",
- "version": "string",
- "actors": [
- {
- "actorId": "LUCINITY_ACTOR_ID_89012730812411",
- "primary": true
], - "rules": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "score": "string",
- "date": 0,
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
], - "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
}, - "ingestDate": "string",
- "internalId": "6868d0ce-34a2-4e78-b137-31229ba3e81a",
- "finalized": true,
- "caseId": "string",
- "submitterInternalId": "string",
- "businessDate": "string",
- "taxonomyDescription": "string"
Add Actors to Observation
Add actors to observation.
path Parameters
id required | string Observation id |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Actors to be added for a given observation.
actorId required | string An id for an actor that is to be reviewed as part of the observation. |
primary | boolean Specify whether the actor id belongs to the primary actor of the observation. Defaults to False. |
Request samples
- Payload
[- {
- "actorId": "LUCINITY_ACTOR_ID_89012730812411",
- "primary": true
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "status": "success"
Create a new Case
Create a new Case in the Lucinity platform. The Case will be created with the provided details.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Array of objects (CaseActor) <= 1000 items List of actor ids associated with the case. | |
Array of objects (Communication) List of communications that are part of the case. Each communication should include detailed information such as the type, sender, receiver, subject, and content. | |
focal_actor_id | string Deprecated The actor id of the focal actor of the case |
object (schemas-Metadata) Metadata describing the object. This field is not intended to add additional information to the object, rather add information about the object's attributes. Reserved Metadata Keywords:
| |
observation_ids | Array of strings List of ids for observations that are part of the case |
type | string Enum: "ANALYSIS" "FILING" The type of case being created. If the property is not provided it will default to
Request samples
- Payload
{- "focal_actor_id": "2928938-29892-92983-923892839",
- "actors": [
- {
- "id": "ACT00001",
- "type": "CONNECTION"
], - "observation_ids": [
- "929298-2929110-11-292-1212"
], - "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "communications": [
- {
- "communication_type": "email",
- "communication_id": "2928938-29892-92983-923892839",
- "subject": "Urgent: Update Required",
- "content": "Please update your account information.",
- "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "custom_data": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
], - "type": "ANALYSIS"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "case_id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74"
Update a Case
Update an existing Case in the Lucinity platform. The Case will be updated with the provided details.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
communication_ids | Array of strings List of ids of the communications that should be associated with the case |
Array of objects List of communication objects to create and associate with the case |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "communication_ids": [
- "COMMS2023010300001",
- "COMMS2023010300002"
], - "communications": [
- [
- {
- "id": "comms1",
- "created_at": 1715729952,
- "sent_at": 1715729952,
- "subject": "Blabla",
- "sender_id": "[email protected]"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "case_id": "CASE25618010303001",
- "communicationIds": [
- "comms1",
- "comms2"
Webhooks serve as automated messages sent from one system to another in real-time. Rather than requiring you to constantly request updates from another service (known as "polling"), webhooks work by sending an immediate HTTP POST request to a designated URL—known as the "webhook endpoint"—when a specific event happens.
This means your application can instantly react to events in other systems, making your development process more efficient, scalable, and responsive. You simply configure the endpoint URL in the service sending the event, and then your system will receive real-time updates automatically.
In summary, webhooks offer a straightforward way to enhance your applications through real-time, event-driven communication between services.
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "secret": "%D^u~k:pc<y9Hv",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Create and register a new Webhook
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
events required | Array of strings List of events to subscribe to. If '*' all events will be delivered. If empty, the Webhook will be disabled. |
name required | string The name of the Webhook given by the Webhook creator |
url required | string <uri> The target URL for the Webhooks. Typically an endpoint in the customer API that can accept the Lucinity events |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
Response samples
- 201
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "secret": "%D^u~k:pc<y9Hv",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Retrieve a Webhook by Id
path Parameters
id required | string Unique Webhook Id |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Remove a Webhook by Id
path Parameters
id required | string <uuid> Unique Webhook Id |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Update Webhook
path Parameters
id required | string <uuid> Unique Webhook Id |
Request Body schema: application/json
The status update object. If omitted it will attempt to toggle the status.
events | Array of strings List of events to subscribe to. If '*' all events will be delivered. If empty, the Webhook will be disabled. |
name | string The name of the Webhook given by the Webhook creator |
status | string (WebhookStatus) Enum: "ACTIVE" "INACTIVE" |
url | string <uri> The target URL for the Webhooks. Typically an endpoint in the customer API that can accept the Lucinity events |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "status": "ACTIVE"
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "secret": "%D^u~k:pc<y9Hv",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Case Assigned Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for case claimed | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.assigned" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.assigned",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "assignedToUserId": "846d5c88-5296-4972-92bf-cf43730a4184",
- "assignedToUserEmail": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Case Closed Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for case case closed | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.closed" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.closed",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "resolution": "Suspicious",
- "dispositionNarrative": "Summary of the Investigation",
- "comment": "This is a comment",
- "closeReason": "Manual",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Case Created Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for case case created | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.created" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.created",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "processId": "2df50b47-20cc-4b19-b9b5-68eb4bd68620",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Case Workflow Action Performed Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detailed event data for when an action on a workflow is performed in a case. | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.workflow.actioned" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.workflow.actioned",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "actionName": "SET_ON_HOLD",
- "comment": "Setting this case on hold, waiting for external data.",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Commented on a case event Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about a comment event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detailed event data for when a comment is added to a case | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.commented" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.commented",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "comment": "This is a comment",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Transaction Decision Update Event Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for transaction decision update | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.transaction.decision.updated" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.transaction.decision.updated",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "transactionId": "75906707-8c31-479c-b354-aa805c4cefbc",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "decision": "BLOCK"
Case Observation Feedback Updated Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the system
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for observation added | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "observationId": "cc00jCLAC00001",
- "feedback": "string"
Observation Actioned Event Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information that a event has been actioned, typically a case observation. This event is triggered when an observation is actioned. Currently only supports "WHITELIST" action.
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for observation actioned. | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.observations.actioned" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.observations.actioned",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "observationId": "OBS2020010100000001",
- "actionName": "WHITELIST",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "comment": "Test comment",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
}, - "observationMetadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
}, - "observationCustomData": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
The reporting APIs offer customers real time access to various reports pulled from the Lucinity platform. They are grouped into categories and listed out below.
Get Observation Feedback
query Parameters
endDate required | string <date-time> Example: endDate=2023-11-21 Is in ISO 8601 date format and must be after startDate. |
startDate required | string <date-time> Example: startDate=2023-11-21 Is in ISO 8601 date format and must be after startDate. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
- 500
[- {
- "observationId": "h9af6CLAC00002",
- "observationType": "ALERT_AML",
- "observationDate": "2021-01-27T01:00:00+00:00",
- "feedback": "SUSPICIOUS",
- "typology": "Avoiding reporting requirements",
- "behaviorId": "ARR_EFT",
- "behaviorName": "Electronic transactions designed to avoid reporting requirements",
- "lineOfBusiness": "Individual",
- "modelScore": 3.5,
- "modelThreshold": 3.5,
- "caseId": "CASE202301010001",
- "createdTime": "2021-01-27T01:00:00+00:00",
- "actorId": "h9a96jf8f99999999",
- "dataSource": "Lucinity",
- "transactionIds": [
- "txn1224412"
Get Suppressed Signals
Retrieve signals that were suppressed due to actor exclusion (suppression) or alert management (snooze) in a detection rule.
query Parameters
endDate required | string <date> Example: endDate=2023-11-21 Is in ISO 8601 date format and must postdate or equal startDate. |
limit | integer Example: limit=100 The maximum number of suppressed signals that will be returned. The default setting is 100, with a maximum limit of 1000. |
offset | integer Example: offset=0 The offset of the suppressed signals that will be returned. The default setting is 0. |
startDate required | string <date> Example: startDate=2023-11-21 Is in ISO 8601 date format and must predate or equal endDate. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
- 500
{- "signals_suppressed": [
- {
- "suppressed_signal_id": 1,
- "actor_id": "ACT00001",
- "review_date": "2021-01-27",
- "detection_method_name": "High income with low activity",
- "decision_reason": "ACTOR_SUPPRESSED",
- "data_source": "RULE_ENGINE"
], - "limit": 10,
- "offset": 0,
- "number_of_signals": 1
Get Audit Logs
Get audit logs within certain criteria.
query Parameters
caseId | string Get audit logs for a single case |
endDate required | string <date-time> Example: endDate=2023-11-21T23:59:59 Is in ISO 8601 datetime format and must be after startDate. |
limit | number Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000.
If not provided the default is |
logType | string (AuditLogType) Enum: "ALL" "READ" "UPDATE" The audit log type. If not provided the default is |
offset | number Number of rows to skip before returning results. Must be a positive number.
If not provided the default is |
startDate required | string <date-time> Example: startDate=2023-11-21T00:00:00 Is in ISO 8601 datetime format and must proceed endDate. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "offset": 0,
- "limit": 200,
- "number_of_values": 10,
- "values": [
- {
- "json_": {
- "id": "3c16ebce-7e7b-49ef-b815-3d4cf310aad7",
- "notes": "Level: 1 to 2",
- "action": "VIEW_CASE",
- "caseId": "CLC2023112100000000",
- "domain": "CaseManager",
- "params": [
- "string"
], - "userIP": "",
- "userId": "1b08d5b4-defc-4385-afc3-87602adabf0c",
- "logType": "ALL",
- "newValue": "string",
- "objectId": "string",
- "oldValue": "string",
- "envFields": {
- "localIP": "",
- "podAuditName": "podName"
}, - "timestamp": "2023-11-21T00:00:00",
- "objectType": "string",
- "systemName": "string",
- "userAction": "ESCALATE",
- "objectField": "string",
- "actionResult": "ALLOWED"
}, - "timestamp": "2023-11-21T00:00:00"
The Segmentation API provides a flexible and efficient way to categorize and group legal entities, enabling precise targeting and analysis within your detection scenarios and investigations.
Segmentation is structured around Categories and Groups:
- A Category represents a broad classification or theme, such as “Industry Classification” or “Annual Turnover.”
- Within each Category, there are multiple Groups that serve as specific subsets. For example, the “Industry Classification” Category might include Groups like “Healthcare Providers,” “Financial Services,” “Manufacturing,” and “Retail.”
- Each Group belongs exclusively to one Category and can contain multiple legal entities (actors).
- A legal entity (actor) can be assigned to multiple Groups across different Categories, allowing for comprehensive segmentation based on various criteria.
If you want to segment legal entities by their Industry Classification, you can create a Category called “Industry Classification” and define Groups such as:
- “Healthcare Providers,” including entities like hospitals, clinics, and pharmaceutical companies.
- “Financial Services,” covering banks, insurance companies, and investment firms.
- “Manufacturing,” for entities involved in producing goods, such as automotive or electronics manufacturers.
- “Retail,” which includes department stores, online retailers, and supermarkets.
Additionally, you could use another Category, such as Annual Turnover, to group entities by their revenue. Under this Category, you might define Groups like:
- “Up to $1 Million”
- “$1 Million to $10 Million”
- “$10 Million to $100 Million”
- “Over $100 Million”
Legal entities can be assigned to the relevant Groups based on their primary business activities and annual turnover. This segmentation allows for the development of tailored rules and detection scenarios, such as monitoring for industry-specific compliance risks or conducting focused market analyses.
By utilizing the Segmentation API, you gain the ability to create dynamic and customized classifications that support more targeted decision-making and strategic planning.
Create a Segmentation Category
Create a single Segmentation Category.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Segmentation Category to create.
name required | string This is a unique field. The name of the Category, e.g. "Age" or "Annual Turnover". |
description | string The description of the Category, e.g. "Segmentation by age". |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Age",
- "description": "Segmentation by age"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 415
{- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
Get Segmentation Categories
Get all Segmentation Categories.
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "categories": [
- {
- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Age",
- "description": "Segmentation by age",
- "created_at": 1637539200,
- "changed_at": 1637539200,
- "created_by": "John Doe",
- "changed_by": "Jane Smith",
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Get Segmentation Category
Get a single Segmentation Category by id.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Category to fetch. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Age",
- "description": "Segmentation by age",
- "created_at": 1637539200,
- "changed_at": 1637539200,
- "created_by": "John Doe",
- "changed_by": "Jane Smith",
Update Segmentation Category
Update a single Segmentation Category by id.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Category to update. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Segmentation Category to update.
description | string The description of the Category, e.g. "Segmentation by age". |
name | string This is a unique field. The name of the Category, e.g. "Age" or "Annual Turnover". |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Age",
- "description": "Segmentation by age"
Response samples
- 400
- 415
{- "errors": [
- "value"
Get all Segmentation Groups under a Segmentation Category
Get all Segmentation Groups under a Segmentation Category.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Category to fetch Groups from. |
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "groups": [
- {
- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "category_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Age Group",
- "description": "Segmentation by age Group ",
- "created_at": 1637539200,
- "changed_at": 1637539200,
- "created_by": "John Doe",
- "changed_by": "Jane Smith"
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Get all Actors that belong to a Segmentation Category
Get all Actors that belong to a Segmentation Category.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Category to get Actors from. |
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "actor_ids": [
- "string"
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Create a Segmentation Group
Create a Segmentation Group.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Segmentation Group to create.
category_id required | string The Segmentation Category id. |
name required | string This field is unique per Category id. The name of the Segmentation Group. |
description | string The description of the Segmentation Group . |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "category_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Ages 0-25",
- "description": "This Group contains Actors aged 0-25."
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 415
{- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
Get a single Segmentation Group
Get a single Segmentation Group.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Group to get. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "category_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Age Group",
- "description": "Segmentation by age Group ",
- "created_at": 1637539200,
- "changed_at": 1637539200,
- "created_by": "John Doe",
- "changed_by": "Jane Smith"
Update a Segmentation Group
Update a Segmentation Group.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Group to update. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Segmentation Group to update.
description | string The description of the Segmentation Group . |
name | string This field is unique per Category id. The name of the Segmentation Group. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Ages 0-25",
- "description": "This Group contains Actors aged 0-25."
Response samples
- 400
- 415
{- "errors": [
- "value"
Add Actors to a Segmentation Group
Add Actors to a Segmentation Group.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Group to add Actors to. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Actor ids to add to the Group. This has an upper limit of 1000 Actors.
Request samples
- Payload
[- [
- "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 415
{- "actor_id": true
Get all Actors for a Segmentation Group
Get all Actors for a Segmentation Group.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Groups to get Actors for. |
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "actor_ids": [
- "string"
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Remove Actors from a Segmentation Category
Remove Actors from a Segmentation Category.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Group to remove the Actors from. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Actor ids to remove from the Group. Limit of 1000 Actors.
Request samples
- Payload
[- "string"
Get Segmentation Groups responding to an Actor
Get all Segmentation Groups that an Actor belongs to.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Actor to get Segmentation Groups for. |
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "groupIds": [
- "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
An Actor is a human or a legal entity involved in a banking transaction: the account holder/customer, bank staff facilitating the transaction or bank database/platform, etc. An Actor can be an originator or Beneficiary when it comes to customers.
An AML Risk Assessment measures risk exposure. A money laundering risk assessment is an analytical process applied to a business to measure the likelihood or probability that a person (or legal entity) will unwittingly engage in money laundering or financing terrorism. Key Risk Indicator (KRI) is a metric used to measure the likelihood that the combined probability of an event and its consequence will exceed the organization's risk appetite and have a profoundly negative impact on an organization's ability to be successful.
Many of the sanctions currently imposed by banking regulators contain provisions that require improvements in risk management programs for AML and The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) compliance. The starting point of a strong AML risk assessment program should be an accurate and comprehensive AML / OFAC risk assessment.
AML Risk-Scoring identifies the areas where business is most vulnerable to money laundering and terrorist financing risks (ML/TF) and helps take the appropriate preventative measures. Risk-Scoring identifies and monitors high-risk countries, products, accounts, and clients from the FI's entire customer base and helps determine the proper level of customer due diligence (CDD) applicable to adhere to regulations, including the revised FATF (Financial Action Task Force) International Standards.
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an international policy-making body that sets anti-money laundering standards and counter-terrorist financing measures worldwide.
AML Taxonomies represent the formal structure of classes or types of objects within the AML domain. A taxonomy follows a hierarchic format and provides names for each object in relation to the other object.
The Audit function of a bank reports to the audit committee of the board of directors (or similar oversight body). Its role is to independently evaluate the risk management and controls of the bank through periodic assessments, including the adequacy of the bank's controls to mitigate the identified risks, the effectiveness of the bank's staff's execution of the controls, the efficacy of the compliance oversight and quality controls and the effectiveness of the training.
Behavior is the customer's way of transacting and is lined with historical or expected transactions. During their day-to-day activities, first-line employees may observe unusual or potentially suspicious behavior exhibited by customers. According to policies and procedures, first-line employees are required to be vigilant in their identification, escalation, and reporting of potentially suspicious and or unusual activities.
Behaviors Detection replaces the rule-based approach with an actor-based approach. While a rule-based detection uses singular, expertly chosen data points to flag potentially suspicious activities, Behavior Detection considers the actor's context: the actors' past activity, their peer group, their expected transaction prole, and how the data interplays to conclude. Behavior Detection provides insights on why a case is suspicious, rather than putting this burden on investigators.