Lucinity API (3.3)
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Welcome to the Lucinity API!
Lucinity is an API-first SaaS solution for AML: our platform ingests your data to make integration and data publishing simple and seamless. Our modular approach separates the functionality of the user interface centered around customer use cases, but the backend APIs are unified so the system can scale with your needs.
Bulk Ingestion
This endpoint allows you to submit 1000 entities or 32MB, whichever is reached first, of data in bulk to be ingested into the system asynchronously. It is designed to handle high-throughput data processing, ensuring that large datasets are efficiently processed and stored.
Initial Schema Validation:
Upon submission, the system performs an initial validation of the payload’s schema to ensure that the data is correctly formatted and adheres to the expected structure. If the payload fails this schema validation, the system will respond immediately with an error message detailing the issues found, and the request will be rejected.
Downstream Data Validation:
If the payload passes the initial schema validation, the system responds with a 200 OK status code, indicating successful ingestion of the request. The data then enters the processing pipeline for in-depth validation, which includes verifying required relationships and ensuring consistency with existing data in the system.
Errors that occur during this downstream processing—such as data relation validation errors—are not reflected in the initial API response. The status of the downstream processing will either be exposed via an API or a webhook, this implementation is yet to be determined.
Scalability and Data Integrity:
The endpoint is designed to be scalable and optimized for handling high-load scenarios while ensuring data integrity throughout the ingestion pipeline.
Note: This endpoint is still a work in progress and is subject to change.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Array of objects (AccountActor) <= 1000 items List of account actors relationships to ingest. | |
Array of objects (Balance) <= 1000 items List of account balances. | |
Array of objects (Account) <= 1000 items List of accounts to ingest. | |
Array of objects (ActorSegmentationGroup) <= 1000 items List of actor to segmentation group assignments. | |
Array of Individual (object) or LegalEntity (object) (Actor) <= 1000 items List of actors to ingest. | |
Array of AnalysisCase (object) or FilingCase (object) (Case) <= 1000 items List of cases to ingest. | |
Array of objects (Communication) <= 1000 items List of communications to ingest. | |
Array of AmlV2Observation (object) or FraudObservation (object) or SanctionsObservation (object) or RuleObservation (object) or GenericObservation (object) (Observation) <= 1000 items List of observations to ingest. | |
Array of objects (Transaction) <= 1000 items List of transactions to ingest. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "account_actors": [
- {
- "account_id": "568975e1-d16b-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "actor_id": "568975e1-d16b-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "actor_role": "OWNER",
- "as_of_date": "2024-01-01"
], - "account_balances": [
- {
- "account_id": "ACC0001",
- "currency": "USD",
- "current": 5000,
- "as_of_date": "2019-08-24",
- "available": 4000
], - "accounts": [
- {
- "account_type": "CREDIT_CARD",
- "id": "568975e1-d16b-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "account_number": "string",
- "as_of_date": "2019-08-24",
- "bank_code": "10-00",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
}, - "iban": "GB43BARC20031828986436",
- "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "name": "Mez's account",
- "opened_date": "2019-08-24",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "7777771-555-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "system_name": "SystemName"
], - "data_source": "EXTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
], - "actors": [
- {
- "id": "ACT0001",
- "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "addresses": [
- {
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "country": "USA",
- "postal_code": 90210,
- "state": "CA",
- "street": [
- "123 Maple Street",
- "Apt 4B"
], - "as_of_date": "2019-08-24",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
}, - "customer_since": "2019-08-24",
- "data_source": "EXTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE",
- "date_of_birth": "2019-08-24",
- "domicile": "string",
- "gender": "FEMALE",
- "government_ids": [
- {
- "expiration_date": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "123-45-6789",
- "issuing_authority": "US Government",
- "type": "SSN"
], - "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "name": "string",
- "nationality": "string",
- "phones": [
- {
- "number": "123-456-7890",
- "type": "HOME",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
], - "references": [
- {
- "id": "7777771-555-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "system_name": "SystemName"
], - "status": "ACTIVE",
- "subtype": [
], - "actor_segmentation_groups": [
- {
- "actor_id": "2d5cbe51-3df5-4c1b-a9f9-9def502f4765",
- "group_id": "e96e67b6-6479-4217-b6ef-43c1811ef217"
], - "cases": [
- {
- "id": "929298-2929110-11-292-1212",
- "type": "ANALYSIS",
- "actors": [
- {
- "id": "ACT00001",
- "type": "CONNECTION",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
], - "priority": "string",
- "queue": "string",
- "communication_ids": [
- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "observation_ids": [
- "929298-2929110-11-292-1212"
], - "communications": [
- {
- "id": "6f83db65-50e0-4f7c-b42a-61115110a928",
- "type": "email",
- "content": "Please update your account information.",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
}, - "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "subject": "Urgent: Update Required"
], - "observations": [
- {
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "transaction_ids": [
- "string"
], - "type": "ALERT_AML_V2",
- "actor_ids": [
- "string"
], - "behavior_description": "string",
- "behavior_id": "string",
- "title": "string",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
}, - "data_source": "EXTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE",
- "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "references": [
- {
- "id": "7777771-555-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "system_name": "SystemName"
], - "rules": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
}, - "name": "string",
- "score": "string",
- "status": "string"
], - "score": "string",
- "version": "string"
], - "transactions": [
- {
- "account_id": "string",
- "account_owner_id": "string",
- "amount": {
- "currency": "string",
- "value": 0
}, - "counterparty": {
- "name": "string",
- "account_info": {
- "account_number": "string",
- "bank_code": "string",
- "bank_name": "string",
- "bic": "string",
- "country": "USA",
- "iban": "string",
- "id": "string"
}, - "date_of_registration": "2019-08-24",
- "id": "string",
- "industry": {
- "type": "ISAT",
- "code": "010"
}, - "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "type": "LEGAL_ENTITY",
- "postal_addresses": [
- {
- "city": "Beverly Hills",
- "country": "USA",
- "postal_code": 90210,
- "state": "CA",
- "street": [
- "123 Maple Street",
- "Apt 4B"
}, - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "direction": "INBOUND",
- "id": "string",
- "standardized_amount": 0,
- "status": "CANCELLED",
- "account_balance": 0,
- "channel": "ATM",
- "channel_location_id": "string",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
}, - "description": "string",
- "device": {
- "id": "string",
- "ip_address": "string"
}, - "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "method": "CARD",
- "purpose": "BILL_PAYMENT",
- "user_id": "string",
- "user_name": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
Get Bulk Case Ingestion Status
Returns the latest ingestion status for the case.
path Parameters
id required | string The ID of the case to fetch the ingestion status for. |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
{- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "missing_relations": {
- "actors": [
- "string"
], - "analysis_case": "string",
- "communications": [
- "string"
], - "observations": [
- "string"
}, - "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "processed_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "deferred_until": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "attempts": 0
Get Cases in Dead Letter Queue
Use this endpoint to get list of cases that for some reason were not ingested properly through the Bulk Ingestion endpoint.
query Parameters
filter | string Filtering enables narrowing down API responses based on specific criteria. Range Filter:
Single-Value Filter:
limit | number Example: limit=5 Sets the max number of items returned in the result set for this query |
offset | number Example: offset=35 Sets the offset on the index into the list of items in the result set |
sorting | string Sorting allows API responses to be ordered by one or more fields in a specified direction.
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": "9e214a2f-0147-4e44-ab0e-eeaef9699edb",
- "case_id": "CLC2025010100000001",
- "created_at": "2019-12-24T18:02:16Z",
- "processed_at": "2019-12-24T18:02:16Z",
- "case": "{ ... }"
Update account
Updates the fields in the newest Account that has the provided ID.
- Updating an array is an additive insert operation, meaning that the new values are appended to the existing array.
- This endpoint is still a work in progress and is subject to change.
path Parameters
id required | string The Account ID. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
account_number | string The identifier assigned by the financial institution to the account. |
account_type | string (AccountType) Enum: "CREDIT_CARD" "CURRENT" "E-WALLET" "LOAN" "SAVINGS" "VIRTUAL" Specifies the type of account (e.g., savings, loan, e-wallet). Used to categorize and determine the nature of the account. |
as_of_date | string <date> The date when this record became valid, in ISO 8601 format. |
bank_code | string The unique identifier assigned to the bank or financial institution where the account resides. |
object (CustomData) The custom data property can be used to add data in a key, value format to the object. This can e.g. be used for display purposes. | |
iban | string International Bank Account Number, used for global transactions to identify the account. |
object (Metadata) Metadata describing the object. This field is not intended to add additional information to the object, rather add information about the object's attributes. | |
name | string A user-friendly name for the account, making it easier to identify in interfaces and reports. |
opened_date | string <date> The date when the account was first activated, formatted in ISO 8601. |
Array of objects (Reference) <= 1000 items | |
status | string (AccountStatus) Enum: "ACTIVE" "CLOSED" "LOCKED" The current operational state of the account (e.g., ACTIVE, CLOSED, LOCKED). |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "John's account"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
Update actor
Updates the fields in the newest Actor that has the provided ID.
- Updating an array is an additive insert operation, meaning that the new values are appended to the existing array.
- This endpoint is still a work in progress and is subject to change.
path Parameters
id required | string The Actor ID. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Array of objects (PostalAddress) <= 1000 items A list of physical or legal addresses associated with the actor. | |
as_of_date | string <date> The date when this record became valid, in ISO 8601 format. |
object (CustomData) The custom data property can be used to add data in a key, value format to the object. This can e.g. be used for display purposes. | |
customer_since | string <date> Date when the actor first became a customer, in ISO 8601 format. |
data_source | string An identifier that represents the system from which the record is originated. |
date_of_birth | string <date> Date of birth of the actor, in ISO 8601 format. |
date_of_registration | string <date> Date of registration of the actor, in ISO 8601 format |
domicile | string The ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code represents the legal jurisdiction considered an actors's permanent home for legal purposes. |
Array of objects (EmailAddress) <= 1000 items A list of emails associated with the actor. | |
gender | string (Gender) Enum: "FEMALE" "MALE" "OTHER" "UNSPECIFIED" The gender of the individual. |
Array of objects (GovernmentId) <= 1000 items Government id list for actor. | |
Array of objects (Industry) <= 1000 items List of industry classifications in which the legal entity operates in. | |
object (Metadata) Metadata describing the object. This field is not intended to add additional information to the object, rather add information about the object's attributes. | |
name | string Name of individual or company. |
nationality | string The ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code representing the nation-state in which the actor has a legal relationship with. |
Array of objects (Phone) <= 1000 items A list of phone numbers associated with the actor. | |
Array of objects (Reference) <= 1000 items List of references to an external system. | |
Array of objects (Link) <= 1000 items Links to external resources or objects related to the legal entity. | |
status | string (ActorStatus) Enum: "ACTIVE" "TERMINATED" Enumerated values for the status of the actor. |
subtypes | Array of strings (ActorSubType) <= 1000 items Items Enum: "CLIENT" "CPSP" "CUSTOMER" "EMPLOYEE" "MERCHANT" "PRINCIPAL" "SUB_CLIENT" Array of subtypes of actor. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "status": "TERMINATED"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
Get case
Retrieves a single case by identifier.
path Parameters
id required | string The Case ID. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 500
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "assignee": {
- "name": "John Doe",
- "assigned_at": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"
}, - "workflow": {
- "id": "1",
- "name": "CASE_REVIEW",
- "status": "OPEN",
- "state": "NEW",
- "type": "CASE_REVIEW"
}, - "actors": [
- {
- "id": "ACT00001",
- "type": "CONNECTION"
], - "observations": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "tags": [
- {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "label": "Suspicious"
], - "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "resolution": {
- "value": "string"
}, - "source": "string"
Update case
Updates the fields in the case that has the provided ID. Notes:
- Updating an array is an additive insert operation, meaning that the new values are appended to the existing array.
- This endpoint is still a work in progress and is subject to change.
path Parameters
id required | string The Case ID. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Array of objects (CaseActor) <= 1000 items List of actor ids associated with the case. | |
Array of objects (Communication) <= 1000 items List of communications that are part of the case. Each communication should include detailed information such as the type, sender, receiver, subject, and content. | |
object (Metadata) Metadata describing the object. This field is not intended to add additional information to the object, rather add information about the object's attributes. Reserved Metadata Keywords:
| |
observation_ids | Array of strings <= 1000 items List of ids for observations that are part of the case. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "actors": [
- {
- "actor_id": "292892-292929-292929-292929",
- "role": "FOCAL"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
Update observation
Updates the fields in the newest Observation that has the provided ID. Notes:
- Updating an array is an additive insert operation, meaning that the new values are appended to the existing array.
- This endpoint is still a work in progress and is subject to change.
path Parameters
id required | string The Observation ID. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
actor_ids | Array of strings <= 1000 items The Actor IDs which this observations applies to. |
behavior_description | string A detailed description of the behavior associated with the observation. |
behavior_id | string A unique identifier used to classify the risk or concern associated with the observation. |
created_at | string <date-time> Timestamp at which the observation was created, in ISO 8601 format. |
object (CustomData) The custom data property can be used to add data in a key, value format to the object. This can e.g. be used for display purposes. | |
data_source | string An identifier that represents the system from which the record is originated. |
object (Metadata) Metadata describing the object. This field is not intended to add additional information to the object, rather add information about the object's attributes. | |
Array of objects (Reference) <= 1000 items | |
Array of objects (Rule) <= 1000 items List of objects representing rules that were triggered. | |
score | string A score indicator for the result of this rule applying. This could be a numeric value or it could be some qualifier such as 'APPROVE' or 'REJECT', indicating a suggested operation based on this rule applying. |
title | string Summarizes the primary risk or concern identified in the observation. |
transaction_ids | Array of strings <= 10000 items List of transaction ids which apply in this observation. |
version | string Optional version for the model, function or rule that was in effect when the Observation was created. Having this version can help explain why this Observation was raised. It can be a number, an arbitray string or an record identifier for specific revision. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "actor_ids": [
- "string"
], - "transaction_ids": [
- "string"
], - "score": "string",
- "behavior_id": "string",
- "title": "Transfer to High-Risk Country",
- "behavior_description": "string",
- "data_source": "EXTERNAL_DATA_SOURCE",
- "references": [
- {
- "id": "7777771-555-4e5a-9ecd-16cb105a6976",
- "system_name": "SystemName"
], - "version": "string",
- "rules": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
}, - "name": "string",
- "score": "string",
- "status": "string"
], - "metadata": {
- "some_property": "some_value"
}, - "custom_data": {
- "someProperty": "some value",
- "otherProperty": "other value"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
Update transaction
Updates the fields in the newest Transaction that has the provided ID. Notes:
- Updating an array is an additive insert operation, meaning that the new values are appended to the existing array.
- This endpoint is still a work in progress and is subject to change.
path Parameters
id required | string The transaction ID. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
account_balance | number The current, settled balance of the account in the currency of the account. |
account_id | string Primary identifier of the account. |
account_owner_id | string A unique identifier representing the actor who is the owner of the account, expected to be a valid actor_id. |
object (Amount) Amount and currency code of the transaction that occured. | |
channel | string (Channel) Enum: "ATM" "BRANCH" "ONLINE" "POS" "UNKNOWN" The type of channel that was used to initiate the transaction. If this property is not provided it will default to
channel_location_id | string The unique identifier for the channel location associated with the transaction. Has to match a location code ingested through /channel_locations. |
CounterpartyLegalEntity (object) or CounterpartyIndividual (object) or AccountInfo (object) or NamedEntity (object) or Empty (object) Counterparty represents the creditor or debtor involved in the transaction and can be one of the following:
| |
created_at | string <date-time> The timestamp of when the transaction occurred, in ISO 8601 format. |
object (CustomData) The custom data property can be used to add data in a key, value format to the object. This can e.g. be used for display purposes. | |
description | string Description of the transaction. |
object (Device) Device section contains information on the device which the transaction was performed on. | |
direction | string (Direction) Enum: "INBOUND" "OUTBOUND" The direction of a transaction is |
object (Metadata) Metadata describing the object. This field is not intended to add additional information to the object, rather add information about the object's attributes.
Reserved Metadata Keywords: -
| |
method | string (Method) Enum: "CARD" "CASH" "CHECK" "VIRTUAL" "WIRE_TRANSFER" Method of the transaction.
Either |
standardized_amount | number Value of the transaction in the default currency configured in the Lucinity platform. |
status | string (TransactionStatus) Enum: "CANCELLED" "COMPLETED" "FAILED" "PENDING" Status or condition of the transaction. Only
user_id | string User id of the entity performing the transaction. |
user_name | string User name of the entity performing the transaction. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "amount": {
- "currency": "USD"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "secret": "%D^u~k:pc<y9Hv",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Create and register a new Webhook
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
events required | Array of strings List of events to subscribe to. If '*' all events will be delivered. If empty, the Webhook will be disabled. |
name required | string The name of the Webhook given by the Webhook creator |
url required | string <uri> The target URL for the Webhooks. Typically an endpoint in the customer API that can accept the Lucinity events |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
Response samples
- 201
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "secret": "%D^u~k:pc<y9Hv",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Retrieve a Webhook by Id
path Parameters
id required | string Unique Webhook Id |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Remove a Webhook by Id
path Parameters
id required | string <uuid> Unique Webhook Id |
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Update Webhook
path Parameters
id required | string <uuid> Unique Webhook Id |
Request Body schema: application/json
The status update object. If omitted it will attempt to toggle the status.
events | Array of strings List of events to subscribe to. If '*' all events will be delivered. If empty, the Webhook will be disabled. |
name | string The name of the Webhook given by the Webhook creator |
status | string (WebhookStatus) Enum: "ACTIVE" "INACTIVE" |
url | string <uri> The target URL for the Webhooks. Typically an endpoint in the customer API that can accept the Lucinity events |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "status": "ACTIVE"
Response samples
- 200
{- "name": "My Webhook for handling claimed cases",
- "events": [
- "case.assigned"
], - "id": "5fa9e93b-3a93-4e6a-82cd-6d9dad7b0d74",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "secret": "%D^u~k:pc<y9Hv",
- "created": 1692294086682,
- "tenant": "lucinity"
Case Assigned Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for case claimed | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.assigned" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.assigned",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "assignedToUserId": "846d5c88-5296-4972-92bf-cf43730a4184",
- "assignedToUserEmail": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Case Closed Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for case case closed | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.closed" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.closed",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "resolution": "Suspicious",
- "dispositionNarrative": "Summary of the Investigation",
- "comment": "This is a comment",
- "closeReason": "Manual",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Case Created Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for case case created. | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.created" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.created",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "processId": "2df50b47-20cc-4b19-b9b5-68eb4bd68620",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Case Creation Failed Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems.
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Event data for case creation failure. | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.creation_failed" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.creation_failed",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "case_id": "CLC2020010100000001"
Case Workflow Action Performed Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detailed event data for when an action on a workflow is performed in a case. | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.workflow.actioned" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.workflow.actioned",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "actionName": "SET_ON_HOLD",
- "comment": "Setting this case on hold, waiting for external data.",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Commented on a case event Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about a comment event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detailed event data for when a comment is added to a case | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.commented" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.commented",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "comment": "This is a comment",
- "metadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Transaction Decision Update Event Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the systems
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for transaction decision update | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.transaction.decision.updated" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.transaction.decision.updated",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "transactionId": "75906707-8c31-479c-b354-aa805c4cefbc",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "decision": "BLOCK"
Case Observation Feedback Updated Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information about an event in the system
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for observation added | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "observationId": "cc00jCLAC00001",
- "feedback": "string"
Observation Actioned Event Webhook
Request Body schema: application/json
Information that a event has been actioned, typically a case observation. This event is triggered when an observation is actioned. Currently only supports "WHITELIST" action.
createdAt | integer <int64> The timestamp this event was created |
object Detail event data for observation actioned. | |
id | string The id for the event created by Lucinity |
name | string Value: "case.observations.actioned" The type of the event |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "id": "1",
- "name": "case.observations.actioned",
- "createdAt": 1711360775327,
- "data": {
- "id": "CLC2020010100000001",
- "observationId": "OBS2020010100000001",
- "actionName": "WHITELIST",
- "userId": "95dc44d7-a615-41f3-9bf2-2b8093696dc9",
- "comment": "Test comment",
- "caseMetadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
}, - "observationMetadata": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
}, - "observationCustomData": {
- "exampleProperty": "example value"
Create a Segmentation Category
Create a single Segmentation Category.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Segmentation Category to create.
name required | string This is a unique field. The name of the Category, e.g. "Age" or "Annual Turnover". |
description | string The description of the Category, e.g. "Segmentation by age". |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Age",
- "description": "Segmentation by age"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 415
{- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
Get Segmentation Categories
Get all Segmentation Categories.
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "categories": [
- {
- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Age",
- "description": "Segmentation by age",
- "created_at": 1637539200,
- "changed_at": 1637539200,
- "created_by": "John Doe",
- "changed_by": "Jane Smith",
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Get Segmentation Category
Get a single Segmentation Category by id.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Category to fetch. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Age",
- "description": "Segmentation by age",
- "created_at": 1637539200,
- "changed_at": 1637539200,
- "created_by": "John Doe",
- "changed_by": "Jane Smith",
Update Segmentation Category
Update a single Segmentation Category by id.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Category to update. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Segmentation Category to update.
description | string The description of the Category, e.g. "Segmentation by age". |
name | string This is a unique field. The name of the Category, e.g. "Age" or "Annual Turnover". |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Age",
- "description": "Segmentation by age"
Response samples
- 400
- 415
{- "errors": [
- "value"
Get all Segmentation Groups under a Segmentation Category
Get all Segmentation Groups under a Segmentation Category.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Category to fetch Groups from. |
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "groups": [
- {
- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "category_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Age Group",
- "description": "Segmentation by age Group ",
- "created_at": 1637539200,
- "changed_at": 1637539200,
- "created_by": "John Doe",
- "changed_by": "Jane Smith"
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Get all Actors that belong to a Segmentation Category
Get all Actors that belong to a Segmentation Category.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Category to get Actors from. |
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "actor_ids": [
- "string"
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Create a Segmentation Group
Create a Segmentation Group.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Segmentation Group to create.
category_id required | string The Segmentation Category id. |
name required | string This field is unique per Category id. The name of the Segmentation Group. |
description | string The description of the Segmentation Group . |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "category_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Ages 0-25",
- "description": "This Group contains Actors aged 0-25."
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 415
{- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
Get a single Segmentation Group
Get a single Segmentation Group.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Group to get. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "category_id": "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012",
- "name": "Age Group",
- "description": "Segmentation by age Group ",
- "created_at": 1637539200,
- "changed_at": 1637539200,
- "created_by": "John Doe",
- "changed_by": "Jane Smith"
Update a Segmentation Group
Update a Segmentation Group.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Group to update. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Segmentation Group to update.
description | string The description of the Segmentation Group . |
name | string This field is unique per Category id. The name of the Segmentation Group. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Ages 0-25",
- "description": "This Group contains Actors aged 0-25."
Response samples
- 400
- 415
{- "errors": [
- "value"
Add Actors to a Segmentation Group
Add Actors to a Segmentation Group.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Group to add Actors to. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Actor ids to add to the Group. This has an upper limit of 1000 Actors.
Request samples
- Payload
[- [
- "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 415
{- "actor_id": true
Get all Actors for a Segmentation Group
Get all Actors for a Segmentation Group.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Groups to get Actors for. |
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "actor_ids": [
- "string"
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Remove Actors from a Segmentation Category
Remove Actors from a Segmentation Category.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Segmentation Group to remove the Actors from. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The Actor ids to remove from the Group. Limit of 1000 Actors.
Request samples
- Payload
[- "string"
Get Segmentation Groups responding to an Actor
Get all Segmentation Groups that an Actor belongs to.
path Parameters
id required | string Example: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 The id of the Actor to get Segmentation Groups for. |
query Parameters
limit | integer <int32> Example: limit=3 Maximum number of retrived entries. Must be a positive number not greater than 1000. |
offset | integer <int32> Example: offset=2 The offset for pagination. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "groupIds": [
- "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
], - "offset": 2,
- "limit": 3
Add schema mapping for custom_data
This endpoint is for adding a schema mapping for a custom_data property on an entity. The schema mapping describes the property structure and can be as simple as a string or number or as complex as an object or array of objects.
The schema is described using JSON Schema and will be validated by the endpoint. However there are certain keywords from Json schema that will not be supported and will generate a 400 validation error.
The following elements are not supported:
- $ref to external schemas - if $ref is used it must start with '#/'
- allOf, anyOf, oneOf - union types are not supported
- additionalProperties - dynamic properties are not allowed
The entities containing custom_data:
Entity | Will apply to the custom_data block on |
account | Account object |
actor | Actor object |
actor.phones | Phone object in the phones array of Actor object |
case | Case object |
case.actors | CaseActor object in actors array of Case object |
transaction | Transaction object |
observation | Observation object |
observation.rules | Rule object in rules array of Observation object |
Example of schema payload:
To support the following custom_data property my_custom_property in actor object:
"custom_data": {
"my_custom_property": {
"nestedProperty": "value",
"nestedArrayProperty": ["value1", "value2"]
The following json schema could be provided for the custom_data property:
POST /custom_data_schema_mapping/actor/my_custom_property
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"nestedProperty": {
"type": "string"
"nestedArrayProperty": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"required": ["nestedProperty", "nestedArrayProperty"]
path Parameters
entity required | string Example: case The entity containing the custom_data block. |
property required | string Example: investigation_origin The custom_data property name. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
required | object JSON Schema definition for the custom data. | ||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "schema": { }
Response samples
- 400
{- "errors": [
- "string"
Get schema mapping for custom_data property
This endpoint will fetch the schema mapping for a custom_data property on an entity if it has been defined.
path Parameters
entity required | string Example: case The entity containing the custom_data block. |
property required | string Example: investigation_origin The custom_data property name. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
{- "property": "string",
- "schema": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created_by": "string"
Delete schema mapping for custom_data property
This endpoint will delete the schema mapping for a custom_data property on an entity if it has been defined.
path Parameters
entity required | string Example: case The entity containing the custom_data block. |
property required | string Example: investigation_origin The custom_data property name. |
Response samples
- 400
- 404
{- "errors": [
- "string"
Get schema mapping for all custom data properties on an entity
This endpoint will fetch the schema mapping for all custom_data property on an entity that have been defined.
path Parameters
entity required | string Example: case The entity containing the custom_data block. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 404
{- "entity": "string",
- "properties": [
- {
- "property": "string",
- "schema": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created_by": "string"